無料でアメリカへ行き研究インターン!TOMODACHI-Dow Women’s STEM Leadership and Research Program参加者募集


TOMODACHI-Dow Women’s STEM Leadership and Research Program は、日本の大学で理工系を専攻する女性の大学生10名を対象とした5週間の研究インターンシッププログラムです。このプログラムの目的は、教育の公平性を推進しながら、日本のSTEM分野における男女格差をさらに縮小することです。プログラムの運営と実行は、テキサス州のライス大学によって行われ、大学の研究室に属して最先端の研究活動に触れると同時に、アメリカの高等教育システムを体験し、米国人学生との交流活動を通して言語や文化を学ぶ機会を提供します。




無料でアメリカへ!TOMODACHI Boeing Entrepreneurship Seminar参加者募集

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Through the generous support of the Dow Chemical Japan Limited, full funding is provided for the following expenses:

  • International Airfare: Tokyo – Houston – East Coast – Tokyo
  • 4-week research internship in science or engineering laboratory at Rice University
  • Weekly Seminars at Rice University
  • Volunteer English Classes at Rice University Organized by the Office of International Students & Scholars
  • 1-week Science & Technology Leadership Study Tour on the East Coast
  • Double-occupancy Hotel Lodging in Tokyo for Intercultural Seminar, Houston for Research Internship, and on the East Coast for Women in Global STEM @ Leadership Seminar
  • International Health Insurance for duration of stay in the U.S.
  • Enrollment in an undergraduate Visiting Research Course at Rice University (0 credit, pass/fail)
  • J-1 Visa Application & SEVIS Fee - See U.S. Visa page for more details
  • Food allowance


At the time of application students must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • A Japanese citizen or permanent resident
  • A female, currently enrolled, degree-seeking undergraduate student in good academic standing at a Japanese institution of higher education
  • A B1, B2, B3, or B4 undergraduate student* (B4 students are only eligible to apply if they will be a degree-seeking graduate (M1) student as of April)
  • Majoring in a science or engineering field and interested in conducting research in a related field
  • Able to express a demonstrated interest in international science and engineering research and future graduate study in your field
  • Sufficiently fluent in English to successfully conduct research in a U.S. university lab

*Undergraduate students who are enrolled in a six-year, undergraduate program, such as in medicine, are eligible to apply. To confirm eligibility, send an email to tomodachistem@rice.edu. In your email, list the name of your university, the program/field of study you are enrolled in, and the month and year you will graduate from your undergraduate program. 

Preferred Fields
Students in any science or engineering field are eligible to apply and potential host labs are available within the School of Engineering or School of Natural Sciences at Rice University.


概要: 日本人理工系大学生のための「欧州企業インターンシップ」事業  ヴルカヌス・イン・ヨーロッパ Vulcanus in Europe (VinE) 「ヴルカヌス・イン・ヨーロッパ(Vulca…

Selection Criteria

When reviewing applications, the  program seeks to select students who have:

  • A strong and well-defined interest in international research, particularly in the U.S.;
  • A desire to develop the skills necessary to become a globally competent scientist or engineer;
  • A strong and well-defined interest in the pursuit of future research and graduate study in a science or engineering field;
  • The conversational English language skills necessary to conduct research in the U.S.; and
  • Demonstrated financial needs and/or come from rural areas where educational equity may be limited

English Language Requirements

  • Fluency in English is not required; but your spoken English language skills must be sufficient to conduct a four-week research internship in an English-speaking laboratory.
  • It is recommend that applicants be at the intermediate to advanced level in terms of your spoken English language skills.
  • Finalists will be required to take an English Proficiency Interview via Skype prior to final acceptance into the program.
  • Participants will enroll in a weekly Conversational English Class for the duration of their 4-week research internship at Rice University

海外旅行に行きたい!でもお金がない。 海外留学やワーホリしたい!でもお金がない。 1人海外は怖いから団体ツアーに申し込みたい!でもツアーは高い。 そんな悩みを抱え…


TOMODACHI-Dow Women’s STEM Leadership and Research Program | TOMODACHI

TOMODACHI-Dow Women's STEM Leadership and Research Program は、日本の大学で理工系を専攻する女性の大学生10名を対象とした5週間の研究インターンシッププロ…


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


子供向けの知育教材、どれが良いか迷っていませんか? あれもこれもと、とりあえず買ってしまうとお金がかかります。 高額な教材を買ったのにたいして面白くなかった。ドリル・プリントだけ積み重なって全く使わないままになってしまっ […]
