無料でスイスへ!CERN Summer Student Programme参加者募集:日当1.6万円も

概要: Company Description:CERN Summer Student Programme

スイスのジュネーブにある国際的な研究機関、CERN(欧州原子核研究機構) でのサマープログラムです。

At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. Using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments, they study the basic constituents of matter - fundamental particles that are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives physicists clues about how particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature.

Diversity has been an integral part of CERN's mission since its foundation and is an established value of the Organization.

One of CERN’s key missions is education. Our professionals very much enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise with students who are committed and passionate about their chosen field. And there’s no better way to learn than on-the-job: when that job happens to be with a world-famous research organization and centre of scientific excellence, it’s even better.

Are you currently studying for a Bachelor or Master degree in Physics, Engineering, Computer Science or Mathematics? Are you looking for a training period during the European summer (June – September)? If so, this could be the opportunity for you: apply now for the CERN Summer Student Programme 2025!


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Job Description

Take part in CERN’s Summer Student Programme! 

Over a period of 8 to 13 weeks, you will work on an advanced technical project in an experimental or engineering team.

During this unique and exciting time, you can attend a series of lectures specially prepared for you where experts and scientists from around the world share their knowledge about a wide range of topics in the fields of theoretical and experimental particle physics, engineering and computing. Visits to the CERN facilities, as well as discussion sessions and workshops are also key features of the programme. Find out more on the Summer Student information page. A short report on your work and project at CERN will be expected at the end of your stay.


2025/01/26 23:59 (CET)


CERN would very much like to benefit from your expertise, commitment and passion.

In return, CERN will provide you with:

· A contract of association of 8 to 13 weeks* to work on a technical project.

· An extensive physics lecture programme (students will also be able to attend a series of IT lectures organized by Openlab).

· A 93 CHF per calendar day (net of tax) subsistence allowance to cover the cost of accommodation and meals in the Geneva area for a single person for the whole contract duration.

· A travel allowance on a lump sum basis paid to help you with the cost of travel between Geneva and your residence at the time of the selection committee (if applicable).

· Coverage by CERN’s comprehensive Health Insurance scheme (contribution already deducted from allowance).**

· Assistance to find accommodation on the CERN site or nearby. * Candidates coming from a CERN Non Member State country can stay for a duration of 8 weeks only. (Find here the list of CERN Member and Associate Member States).

**The few students who are paid directly from a national funding agency have to come to CERN with their own insurance coverage.

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In order to qualify for a place on the programme you will need to meet the following requirements:

· You are a Bachelor or Master student (not PhD) in Physics, Engineering, Computer Science or Mathematics and should have completed, by the European Summer 2025, at least 6 semesters of full-time studies in the field, at university level.

· You will remain registered as a student during your stay at CERN. If you expect to graduate during European summer 2025 (as of May), you are also eligible to apply.

· You have not worked at CERN before with any other status (Technical Student, Trainee, User or other status) for more than 3 months and you have not been previously a Summer Student at CERN.

· You have a good knowledge of English;

· Candidates of all nationalities are welcome to apply for this Summer Student Programme.


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