渡航費&滞在場所&70万円支給!ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship@スイス募集:世界最高峰の環境でサマースクールを


flowers, meadow, grass

英語圏の大学を覗くと、世界大学ランキングでほぼ常に1位にランクインする、世界最高峰の大学「スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)」、通称ETH。

ETHでは、往復航空券代や宿泊場所、そして4000CHF (約70万円)の給付奨学金付きのサマースクールを毎年実施しています。





The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months and is open to all students worldwide. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area.

Research opportunities are available in the following areas:

  • Data Management & Machine Learning
  • Information & System Security
  • Computer Systems
  • Intelligent Interactive Systems and Physical Computing
  • Programming Languages & Software Engineering
  • Theory & Algorithms
  • Visual Computing

Programme structure

The main part of the Student Summer Research Fellowship programme at ETH Zurich is devoted to doing research in one of the available areas mentioned above.

  • Time frame: 1 July – 31 August. Please note that the time and duration of the fellowship is fixed to cover the full two months of July and August.


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  • Research experience. Fellows will pursue a research project that aligns with a chosen area of their interest as part of a research group in our department. This includes interacting and collaborating with group members.
  • Networking and socialising. A number of on-site socialising events will help fellows to get to know the other fellows. Students will visit interesting places and explore more of Switzerland.
  • Stipend. Fellows at ETH Zurich will receive a stipend of CHF 4,000 to cover housing and living expenses. Travel and visa expenses will be covered as well. Students can claim the travel costs against receipts at the beginning of the programme.
  • Accommodation. Accommodation will be organised during the research stay, once a candidate is accepted into the programme. Fellows will stay in a student house with single rooms, shared bathrooms and kitchen.
  • Switzerland. Fellows have the opportunity to explore the vibrant culture of Zurich in the summer as well as the beautiful mountainous landscape of Switzerland in their free time. 
無料でスイスへ!ローザンヌ大学サマースクール Summer Undergraduate Research Programme募集

概要 スイスの名門、ローザンヌ大学でのサマースクールが募集中。滞在場所提供、奨学金1500CHF (約26万円)支給、往復航空券1200CHF(約21万円)支給など、好待遇です。 公…


Eligibility. Bachelor’s and master’s students worldwide with an expected graduation date earliest during the spring semester the year after the 2-​month fellowship.

You are eligible for the ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship programme if you satisfy the following conditions:

  • You are enrolled in a study programme (bachelor or master) in computer science or a closely related field (e.g., electrical engineering, mathematics, physics)
  • Your expected graduation date in your current study programme (bachelor or master) is in the year following the fellowship or later
  • You will have completed two years of study by start of the programme (master students naturally satisfy this condition)
  • The duration of the fellowship is the full two months of July and August, during which time you must be present

Language requirements:
The programme is conducted exclusively in English. Although formal evidence of language proficiency is not required, the fellowship requires a good working knowledge of English and it may be assessed at an interview.

Admission process:
Your application will be evaluated on the basis of the documents provided. The last step of the application process may include an interview conducted with the shortlisted candidates.






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