
概要:Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships for non-EU citizens

The annual scholarship programme for foreign citizens offered by the Romanian state, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on Government Decision no. 288/1993

Each year, the Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, provides a number of scholarships to citizens from non-EU countries. Only candidates having good results in education, respectively an average of the study years, for the last graduated school, of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the scoring system in Romania or the Good score, as the case, are eligible.
For further details regarding the eligibility conditions, please check Programme information.
Applicants may select their study program of interest in all fields, with the exception of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy. For Bachelor and Master, only study programs in Romanian are available, thus promoting the Romanian language and culture. However, at PhD level, applicants can also opt for a program in English or a foreign language set by the doctoral school. A preparatory year in Romanian is also granted prior to enrolling in the study program of choice, for those not speaking Romanian. The required documents include diplomas, transcripts, birth certificate and passport, CV – all described in the application process.
Applications can be submitted only via the online platform, between 16 January 2024 and 16 March 2024, with the selection results being announced around 15 July 2024. Upon selection, additional formalities, such as obtaining a visa, will be required.

The scholarship applicant can choose from any of the following three study cycles in accredited higher education institutions in Romania:

  • bachelor’s degree: bachelor’s degree programmes are addressed to graduates of high school studies or pre-university studies at the end of which they obtained a baccalaureate degree or equivalent, as well as candidates applying for further university studies in Romania. The complete programme runs for a period of 3-6 years, depending on the specialization followed and ends with a bachelor's exam;
  • master’s degree: master’s degree programmes are addressed to undergraduates, run for a period of 1 year, 1.5 years or 2 years and end with the dissertation exam; 
  • PhD: doctoral programmes are addressed to graduate students or equivalent and run for a period of 3-5 years, depending on the profile of the chosen faculty and end with the presentation of a PhD thesis. In order to be admitted to doctoral studies and to obtain the scholarship, it is compulsory that, prior to submitting the application, the candidate should get the written agreement of the Doctoral Tutor, which must be a member of the doctoral school, and also that he/she passes the admission interview.

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What is the language of study?

In order to promote the Romanian language and culture, the beneficiaries of the scholarships granted by the Romanian state for undergraduate and master`s studies study only in Romanian. The exception is doctoral scholarship holders, who can opt for studies in Romanian or in a foreign language set by the doctoral school. For candidates who do not speak Romanian, a preparatory year is granted for the study of the Romanian language prior to the actual university studies, with the exception of doctoral scholarship holders who have opted for the form of education in a foreign language set by the doctoral school.

The following categories of persons are exempted from enrolling in the Romanian language preparatory year: 

  1. those who present Romanian study documents (diplomas or certificates) or study documents, school records attesting at least four consecutive years of studies attended in Romanian in an educational unit/institution from the Romanian national system;
  2. those who, in order to enrol in university education, pass the Romanian language test, organized according to the regulations in force;
  3. those who, in order to enrol in university education, present a certificate of linguistic competence in Romanian, minimum level B1, issued according to the regulations in force.




Scholarship beneficiaries are provided with the following facilities:
•    exemption from the payment of registration fees or any other fees required by application processing, testing for the Romanian language skills, taking the admission contest for doctoral studies and the specific aptitude tests;
•    financing the tuition expenses for the Romanian language preparatory year;
•    financing the tuition expenses for the actual studies, but not more than the duration of a university cycle, corresponding to the study program followed;
•    receiving a monthly scholarship, for students enrolled in the Romanian language preparatory year;
•    receiving a monthly scholarship, for students enrolled in Bachelor, Master or doctoral studies, but not more than the duration of a university cycle;
•    financing the accommodation expenses in the student dormitories, within the allocated subsidy granted through the budget of the Ministry of Education(accommodation will be provided to the extent of available places, scholarship holders having the obligation to contact the host university to find out the accommodation conditions);
•    medical assistance in case of medical-surgical emergencies and diseases with endemic-epidemic potential, in accordance with the legislation in force;

•    discounts for local travel, in-city and between cities (local public, ground, naval and underground transport, as well as domestic road, railway and naval transport), in the same conditions as those offered to Romanian students, according to the legal provisions.

These facilities are granted throughout the study period, as follows:
•    for students enrolled in the Romanian language preparatory year, for the duration of the courses;
•    for students enrolled in Bachelor and Master studies, during the academic year and the legal holidays, but not during the summer holidays. In case of  summer academic activities or  specific legal provisions, the rights apply during the summer vacation as well;
•    for doctoral students enrolled in full-time learning, throughout the calendar year;
•    another 30 days after completing university studies lasting at least one year.


To be eligible, the scholarship applicant must:

  • submit a complete file;
  • present study documents issued by accredited/recognized education institutions in the country where they were issued;
  • comply with the enrolment deadline;
  • have good results in education, respectively an average of the study years, for the last graduated school of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the scoring system in Romania or the "Good" score, as the case;
  • comply with the application submission methodology.
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