

About the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

The role of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is to advance the interests of Australia and Australians internationally. This involves strengthening Australia’s security, enhancing Australia’s prosperity, delivering an effective and high quality overseas aid program and helping Australian travellers and Australians overseas.

The department provides foreign, trade and development policy advice to the Australian Government. DFAT also works with other Australian government agencies to drive coordination of Australia’s pursuit of global, regional and bilateral interests.

About the Position

This position contributes to the Public Diplomacy Section’s objectives of projecting a positive image of Australia in Japan and developing people-to-people links between Australia and Japan. This position has both project-based duties, including pursuing a sports diplomacy strategy, as well as communications elements, such as creating social media content and engagement with the Japanese media. This position requires flexibility, good teamwork skills, a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of initiative.


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The key responsibilities of the position include, but are not limited to:

  • Assist the Communications Team with all of the Embassy’s external communications, including social media content development and media engagement.
  • Draft communications plans, social media campaigns to support specific public diplomacy initiatives for a mainly Japanese audience.
  • Lead on public advocacy initiatives, including speech writing in English and Japanese for Embassy staff or visitors from Australia.
  • Plan, develop and implement the public diplomacy strategy to promote Australia. Take the lead on public diplomacy aspects of the Embassy’s sports diplomacy engagement, including developing and implementing in close coordination with relevant stakeholders in Australia and Japan.
  • Provide logistical assistance during ministerial and other high-level visits, including coordinating media arrangements, developing social media content and drafting media releases.
  • Manage, maintain and strengthen strategic relationships, negotiate and liaise across a broad range of stakeholders including universities, alumni associations and government institutions.
  • Provide assistance to the Embassy’s Interpreting and Translation Unit as required, particularly with proofreading documents in either English or Japanese.
  • Plan and deliver public diplomacy events and functions including managing the delivery of multiple concurrent events, coordinating stakeholders, speakers and other logistical arrangements such as guest lists, catering, entertainment and technical support.
  • Contribute to the event management duties in coordination with colleagues in the Public Diplomacy team.
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  • 3-5 years experience in public advocacy, social media, project management and event management.
  • Demonstrated writing skills (English and Japanese). Minimum JLPT N2 or equivalent or minimum TOEIC 850 or equivalent.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with outside contacts/clients
  • Proven organisational and project coordination skills, and ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritise effectively
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively as a part of a team
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Adobe Premiere Pro/ Elements, Illustrator and Photoshop
  • Good understanding of social media and web design systems.

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