無料でスイスへ!UNCESCO監修のLucerne Summer University参加者募集

a viewing deck with swiss flag in grindelwald switzerland


Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE

Who is responsible for climate protection? What can be done against global inequality and poverty? How can global justice be connected with local traditions, cultural diversity and religious values? How can human rights be ethically justified as universal norms? What ethical chances and risks arise from the digital transformation and the growing use of artificial intelligence?

"The Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" under the patronage of the UNESCO enables young students to examine ethical questions of today and tomorrow – beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures and religion – and to search together for solutions in a global context.

This practical and action-oriented dialog is ideal to nurture a constantly expanding, international network of committed decision makers who exchange knowledge, advise each other and work together. The guiding principle of this endeavor is "Know how, act now".

The LSUE pursues the following goals for a sustainable impact:

  • teaching specific methods and instruments used in ethics so that the participants learn how to deal with moral dilemmas and challenges (in their respective field of study)
  • enabling participants to address moral questions and ethical topics in their working environment and to advise others
  • establishing a global network for a worldwide networking of skills.
  • enabling participants to address moral questions and ethical topics in their working environment and to advise others
  • developing ethical skills as unique selling points for their careers (for example, in the field of corporate social responsibility)

Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility:

Globalization demands a global, interdisciplinary discourse on ethics and the networking of committed decision makers of today and the future. This is promoted by the LSUE in accordance with the guiding principle «Know how, act now» and through the implementation of the following measures:

  • interactive teaching and learning methods
  • active mentorship
  • joint projects of ethical relevance
  • annual conferences
  • regular online exchange events
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  • No tuition fees
  • The LSUE offers a full scholarship (travel, room and board)


Who can apply?

  • MA students who have never participated in a previous LSUE

Do I have to study a specific subject?

  • No,  MA students from all disciplines can apply

What requirements must I meet?

  • Good command of English: the entire LSUE is conducted in English.
  • You will write a final paper (10-12 pages in length) 


Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE - University of Lucerne

Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context under the patronage of UNESCO. All Informa…



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開催地スイス (ジュネーブ)

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