無料でオーストリアへ!ザルツブルクの宮殿で行うJapan-India Transformative Technology Network参加者募集

概要: Japan-India Transformative Technology Network






TheJapan-India Transformative Technology Network connects and empowers outstanding change-makers in two countries on the forefront of technological progress in Asia – India and Japan. The program offers a platform for those working towards social good to maximize the benefits of various forms of new technologies (including but not limited to artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, blockchain and fintech).

Resolving our most pressing social challenges will require new ways of thinking and acting, moving beyond traditional mechanisms to embrace new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous systems, and blockchain and financial innovations. Through online and in-person collaboration, selected Fellows are building a dynamic cross-sector network of outstanding change-makers to apply these powerful tools to the challenges of improving health and healthcare, expanding social inclusion, and enriching life in urban and rural communities.

The Network is designed to generate catalytic and scalable impact resulting from the application of technological innovation to products, processes, policy-making, organizational practices, and financing. Over its planned three-year period and including in-person meetings in both Japan and India, it will focus on areas of rapid technological development and the ways such technological innovations can drive transformations across three inter-related challenge areas: social inclusion; living and livable communities; and health systems. The Network will consider immediate challenges facing Japan and India, and also consider the issues that will be most urgent for generations to come.

The Network comprises three cohorts. The first began in 2020, the second in 2022 and the third cohort in 2023.

Regular online workshops allow Fellows to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the three social challenges and build the foundations for collaboration on solutions. Fellows work in small teams to design projects that take the power of technology and apply it to one of the three social challenge areas. These three challenge areas are ripe for disruptions from new technologies, partnerships, and innovations that can deliver benefits relevant for Japan, India, and the world as a whole: (1) Health Systems, (2) Accessibility, Mobility, and Inclusion, and (3) Living and Livable Communities.

To maximize the potential of technology, we need agility, innovation, and collaboration. By focusing on innovative applications of artificial intelligence, robotics, autonomous systems, blockchain, financial innovation and other technologies across these interconnected areas related to human and planetary health, the Japan-India Transformative Technology Network will leverage interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration to spur new solutions and encourage partnerships.

Program Details:

  • November 2024 to April 2025 (monthly online meetings)
    • November 20, 2024 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
    • December 23, 2024 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
    • January 20, 2025 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
    • February 26, 2025 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
    • March 26, 2025 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
    • April 14. 2025 (12:00-13:30 CET*)
  • April 28, 2025 - May 2, 2025 (in-person program in Salzburg)
  • On-going network engagement thereafter


無料でオーストリアへ!ザルツブルクの宮殿で行うAsia Peace Innovators Forum参加者募集

概要 オーストラリア・ザルツブルクの宮殿で行われるプログラム。 渡航費や滞在費などは全て日本財団より支給です。 滞在場所は、ザルツブルクの宮殿です。 オーストリア…




All costs – program fee, materials, accommodation, meals and travel (where required) – will be covered thanks to the generosity of The Nippon Foundation



(1) Health Systems, (2) Accessibility, Mobility, and Inclusion, and (3) Living and Livable Communitiesに関わる方


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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

無料でオーストリアへ!ザルツブルクの宮殿で行うAsia Peace Innovators Forum参加者募集
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ベネフィットFully-Funded 枠で選ばれると、渡航費、参加費、宿泊費などが無料