
概要:Youth Summit 2024: Powering Progress: Youth Leading the Digital Transformation DX

After a successful 10th edition, the World Bank Group Youth Summit is back for an 11th time on the theme of Digital Transformation, engaging youth on the most pressing topics facing their generation and bringing together thousands of participants from around the world.

The Summit will take place on May 30-31, 2024, with activities and engagements in different regions and at the World Bank Group headquarters in Washington DC.

The Youth Summit is the largest worldwide annual gathering of youth (aged 18-35) hosted by the World Bank Group to engage with each other globally on the most pressing topics facing our generation. The Summit's mission is to:

1) Empower youth to explore innovative ideas that tackle development challenges;

2) Provide youth with the tools to build and engage in impactful projects; and

3) Promote dialogue between youth, the WBG, and other key stakeholders globally.


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The WBG Youth Summit 2024’s theme is Powering Progress: Youth Leading the Digital Transformation, spotlighting youth using technology to solve development challenges. In alignment with the World Bank’s Digital Development Practice, the summit will focus on three subthemes:

1) Digital Access and Inclusion

2) Artificial Intelligence

3) Sustainable Technology for a Livable Planet

When discussing these subthemes, the summit will focus on three fresh perspectives on technology: Youth in areas affected by Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV), Women in Tech and Rural Youth. By giving recognition to these groups, pioneering ideas will be presented on the world stage that tackle the digital divide, promote inclusive and sustainable development, and explore the opportunities and challenges associated with emerging technologies. With the aim of empowering youth to harness the potential of technology, the summit will bring together young minds, experts, and stakeholders to shape the digital future and drive progress towards a more inclusive and sustainable world.

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Why is relevant?

In today's fast-paced world, young people are confronted with a multitude of complex challenges, ranging from the threat of climate change to unemployment and violent conflicts. These challenges demand innovative solutions, and that's where digital technologies come into play.​ 

Digital tools not only help us tackle global challenges and respond to unexpected shocks, but they also open new avenues for job creation, market expansion, and improved efficiency. Technology allows for urban planning in smart cities, digital financial services for previously unbanked populations, disease surveillance data platforms to stop the spread, and unlimited other possibilities. ​ 

However, a glaring digital divide is hindering progress and limiting opportunities, with 2.6 billion people offline globally. The World Bank Youth Summit 2024 will be dedicated to addressing this divide by discussing digital access and the development solutions that can follow using AI and sustainable and green technology. 

The Summit will bring together young people, the World Bank Group, and the international community to discuss the impact of digital transformation. Historically marginalized voices, including women in technology, FCV-affected youth, and rural youth will be showcased as we explore ways to bridge the digital gap by providing skills, infrastructure, and promoting technological literacy.

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The WBG Youth Summit 2024 Pitch Competition is an exciting opportunity for young change-makers to showcase their innovative solutions addressing global challenges. Open to individuals aged 18-35 worldwide, this competition provides a dynamic platform for presenting your ideas to an international audience through compelling pitch decks.

The Pitch Competition will focus on impactful technology addressing challenges relating to youth in FCV-affected areas, women in the tech space and the digital inclusion of rural youth. The transition to a technology-enabled world accentuates the need to reduce vulnerabilities and socio-economic disparities in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.   

We encourage submissions from diverse backgrounds and focus areas with a special interest in addressing the following themes:

  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Solutions that promote digital inclusion and establish reliable connectivity, overcoming barriers to ensure universal digital access.
  • Intelligence for Good: Explore the potential of artificial intelligence to combat socioeconomic inequalities, drive meaningful change, and address issues related to equality and inclusion.
  • Sustainable Technology: Showcase digital innovations that advance sustainable living and resource preservation. Incorporate green technology to promote eco-friendly practices and contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy.

We invite you to submit your groundbreaking ideas that have the power to make a real difference in the world. This global competition seeks to reward the most innovative projects, so get ready to shape the future with your solutions.




ファイナリストは、ワシントンDCでの世界銀行 2024 World Bank Youth Summit に渡航費・滞在費など無料で参加可能



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