滞在無料・給付金あり!Vienna BioCenterサマースクール募集


The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides a unique opportunity for approx. 20 undergraduate students to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment.

Our programme aims to attract talented students from around the world, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. It is the perfect preparation for those students who are interested in graduate study in the life sciences arena. Applicants who are successful are provided with accommodation, a travel allowance and a stipend for the duration of the scholarship. The programme, starts on the last Friday in June and finishes on the the last Friday of August (or 31 August) each year.

The school is a collaboration between five of Europe's leading research institutes: Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CEMM), Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI), Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max Perutz Labs (Max Perutz Labs) and is generously sponsored by the Max Birnstiel Foundation.

無料でジョージア工科大学へ!中谷財団 夏季国際交流プログラムRIES参加者募集

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Research Project

Each fellow will be allocated a faculty member, with whom they will work closely. The research project will focus on a current topic in the allocated lab. Supported by a member of the laboratory the scholar will be expected to perform experiments, analyse data, generate ideas, and discuss their results.

In addition to practical laboratory work the scholar will also take part in lab meetings, journal clubs and other activities.

Talents-for-Future Program

The 'Talents-for-Future' program is a special initiative of the Vienna BioCenter Summer School and will provide a research opportunity in biology to highly motivated and talented students, independent of their socio-economic background. We particularly encourage applications from talented students of underprivileged backgrounds, who would benefit the most from such an opportunity, which could be truly career-enabling.  There are a number of vacancies in the program for students from various countries.




Selected fellows receive numerous benefits e.g. free student accommodation, a stipend of 1400 euros after tax for the nine-week programme, medical insurance and others.

We do not charge an application fee and welcome applications from students (BA Hons, Master, MSc) from all around the world who are undergraduates/master students, and have completed at least two years of university study in a Life Sciences related study. 


You need to be studying a degree in a Life Science related subject (related to one of the groups offering a position in the call, check carefully before starting an application) and have one of the following:

Completed at least 2 years of a University study (e.g. 2-3 years of a Bachelor (Hons) study or 1 year of a Master study - by 30 June) as follows:

  • (i) In Year 3 of a 4-year BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons) in a Life Science related subject
  • (ii) In Year 4 of a 4-year BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons) in a Life Science related subject WITH an acceptance or intention to apply to a Master program (this will be checked later)
  • (iii) In Year 1 of a 2-year Master course, MSc in a Life Science related subject
  • (iv) In Year 2 of a US undergraduate Bachelor in a Life Science related subject
  • (v) In Year 2 of a 4-Year BTech (india) in a Life Science related subject
  • 3-months research experience
  • Good academic record
  • High level of English language
  • Evidence of enrolment in a University programme for the current academic year and the next year (if possible)
  • Important information for MD applicants.  MDs may only apply if they have completed 3-4years of their studies and have the relevant research experience, they must also intend to study a PhD in a Life Science related subject after completion of their current studies
  • The following studies will NOT be considered: Veterinary medicine, medical engineering, agriculture, pharmacy, zoology, food or nutrional science, and any other degrees that do not include lab training or are not related to molecular and cellular biology.



海外のサマースクールに参加しよう! 皆さん、次の夏はどのように過ごす予定でしょうか? もし特に予定が入っていなければ、海外のサマースクールに参加してみることをオ…





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日当1.6万円・渡航費無料CERN(欧州原子核研究機構)@スイス ITサマープログラム募集