

Bachelor’s and master’s students can apply for the ISTernship program. Students who are interested in basic research in the fields of biology, computer science, data science & scientific computing, mathematics, physics, neuroscience, chemistry & materials, and interdisciplinary areas, are encouraged to apply. Applicants who graduated with a bachelor’s or master’s degree within a year from the program start date, are also eligible to apply.
The call for applications for the ISTernship Program 2024 Intake is now open via the application portal.

The ISTernship (“IST-” + “(int)ernship“) is a summer internship program for bachelor’s and master’s students who are looking to expand their scientific research experience. Since 2013, each summer, selected applicants join the ISTernship program and work closely with our faculty or a lab member on a short research project.

In the application form, applicants should indicate 1-3 professors they would like to work with. After being selected, successful applicants agree on a research project with the professor. To see the available research topics for the 2024 intake, please see this page.

Upon arrival, ISTerns receive an introduction to research at ISTA as well as an introduction to the ISTA Graduate School. The program culminates with a poster session, where ISTerns present their work to peers, faculty and lab mentors.

Internships are full-time and will be conducted exclusively in-person, and in English.

For more information and frequently asked questions, see the ISTernship FAQ.

Duration: 2-3 months between May 15 and September 15. Exact dates and length are decided together with the supervisor.

無料でスイスへ!ローザンヌ大学サマースクール Summer Undergraduate Research Programme募集

概要 スイスの名門、ローザンヌ大学でのサマースクールが募集中。滞在場所提供、奨学金1500CHF (約26万円)支給、往復航空券1200CHF(約21万円)支給など、好待遇です。 公…




Successful applicants receive assistance with travel and visa arrangements, if required.

Each successful candidate receives compensation to assist with the cost of living in Austria and travel to and from Austria.

ISTerns receive a monthly compensation. The ISTernship program is developed in cooperation with OeAD, the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research.

OeAD handles the scholarship payments for a period of up to 3 months between May 15 and September 15.

Successful applicants receive assistance with travel and visa arrangements.


We welcome applicants from across the world.

Applicants must be enrolled Bachelor- or Master of Science students (or similar) in good standing at a degree-granting institution. They must have completed at least the fourth semester of their bachelor’s studies before the respective start date.

Applicants who graduated with a bachelor’s or master’s degree within a year from the program start date, are also eligible to apply. That means, applicants that graduated before May 15, 2023 are not eligible to apply for the program. 

Students accepted to or enrolled in a PhD program are not eligible to apply.

ISTernship applicants can also apply for ISTA’s PhD program, however, if they are invited to an interview for the PhD program that would make them ineligible for the ISTernship program.

All short-term mobility programs between ISTA and Russia have been suspended. As a result, any applicants currently enrolled in universities located in Russia are ineligible to apply for the ISTernship call.


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