無料で大阪へ!U.S.-ROK-Japan Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) Summit参加者募集


The U.S. Department of State, through the U.S. Embassies in Japan and Republic of Korea, are proud to partner with Temple University, Japan Campus, to host the second U.S.-ROK-Japan Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) Summit in Osaka, Japan in the summer of 2025.

In the face of growing security, trade, financial, and environmental instability in the Indo-Pacific region, the trilateral partnership between the United States, Republic of Korea, and Japan has become ever more important. The YTL Summit will convene 50 youth participants (age 18-35) from the three countries and the Indo-Pacific region to develop their expertise in leadership, strategic thinking, and innovative solutions in response to various global challenges.

Before the summit, the selected participants will partake in a series of virtual engagement workshops on teambuilding, leadership development, and understanding the unique challenges facing the trilateral partnership. At the summit – with a portion of it taking place at the 2025 World Expo site in Osaka – the participants will discuss, collaborate, and drive innovative solutions to identified challenges.

This summit is a key pillar of the Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) network, a regional youth initiative that creates space for young leaders to make meaningful contributions to trilateral policy discussions. After the summit, the participants will become a part of the YTL alumni network and be invited to periodic virtual meetings, mentorship opportunities, and reunion activities to ensure continuous growth, exchange, and dialogue.

If you are someone who is –

  • Looking to develop further as a leader in your respective field or area of expertise
  • Passionate about strengthening the trilateral ties between the U.S., Republic of Korea, and Japan
  • Eager to meet and partner with other youth leaders in the region to act on pressing challenges in the region

Then this is the program for you! Travel expenses (airfare, hotels, food, travel to and within Japan) will be provided. Be sure to apply and to a member of the YTL Summit 2025 cohort!


概要 まだ行ったことのない場所へ旅してみたい。ふだん会えない人と出会ってみたい。なにかあたらしいことやってみたい。 そんな春をむかえるキミへ。旅をしながらボラン…


2025/1/20 16:59




  1. English language fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  2. Between the ages of 18-35 years old.
  3. Citizens of the United States, Republic of Korea, or Japan – with priority given to those who are currently living in their home country.
  4. Citizens of a Southeast Asian Country or Pacific Island – must be an alumnus of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) or Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) program and nominated by their U.S. Embassy.
  5. A history of excellence in local and regional youth leadership activities.





海外のサマースクールに参加しよう! 皆さん、次の夏はどのように過ごす予定でしょうか? もし特に予定が入っていなければ、海外のサマースクールに参加してみることをオ…



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