無料でサンフランシスコへ!アジア財団Ambassadors for a Global Future参加者募集

概要Our dynamic new program focused on global citizenship for the 21st century

LeadNext builds a vibrant network of future leaders aged 18-25 from across Asia and the United States and supports their growth, impact, and capacity to address today’s greatest challenges.

Exchange between the U.S. and Asia is more important than ever

With the profound structural changes that will transform geopolitics, global governance, the global economic order, and social landscape over the next decade, a new generation of globally minded leaders is imperative. The LeadNext program equips emerging leaders across cultures and disciplines with strong international networks, exposure to wide-ranging experiences, and leadership tools to thoughtfully steer the future. This fellowship is fully funded.

Harnessing the innovation and energy of young leaders is essential. Positive and lasting change will depend on leaders who can move ideas and action forward to address rising inequality, find solutions to climate crises, mitigate conflict, and empower communities most vulnerable and insecure.


海外旅行に行きたい!でもお金がない。 海外留学やワーホリしたい!でもお金がない。 1人海外は怖いから団体ツアーに申し込みたい!でもツアーは高い。 そんな悩みを抱え…


2024/10/27 (より詳細な締切日・時刻は公式HP参照)




LeadNext Fellows are dynamic emerging leaders from any sector with a commitment to creative approaches to addressing issues such as climate change, inequality, injustice, poverty, or other pressing issues. Fellows demonstrate outstanding character, integrity, and are respected leaders within their communities with an interest in cross-cultural exchange.

To be eligible for the program candidates must be:

  • Aged between 18-25 during the entire program year.
  • Fully conversant in English.
  • Able to commit to attending all sessions with an understanding that we are working across many time zones. Virtual sessions will take place in the mornings in Asia and evenings in the United States for approximately 2 hours per session. The Summit is a full-time commitment.
無料でオックスフォードへ!Global Peace Chain参加者募集

概要 Global Peace Chain (F) envisions to build resilience, cultivate the culture of tolerance, inclusivity, inte […]


LeadNext: Ambassadors for a Global Future - The Asia Foundation

Discover The Asia Foundation's impact in governance, economic growth, education and leadership, environment and climate resilience, international cooperat…


無料でオックスフォードへ!Global Peace Chain参加者募集
ベネフィットFully Funded枠で選ばれれれば、イギリス(オックスフォード)への渡航費・滞在費・参加費など無料