無料でカナダへ!One Young World ImpactAI Scholarship募集

概要:ImpactAI Scholarship: Given by the Brandtech Group

The Brandtech Group is teaming up with One Young World to offer the ImpactAI Scholarship.

Generative AI is already changing the business world and it can also change your initiatives and projects, how you run them, and even your ideas about them.

This new technology can exponentially increase the impact of your work, whether that’s by helping you to better understand how people think about the issue you are tackling, tracking how effective your communications are, creating and generating exciting and polished ads and emails that are aimed at the audiences you want to reach, or generating ideas and strategies to help you reach your goals. There is nothing a human uses their brain for that cannot be done better, faster and cheaper with the help of this technology. The mobile phone made everyone a creator but generative AI makes everyone an ad agency! From social posts to videos to business plans to press releases, it can do the heavy lifting for it all.

The scholarship will shine a light on five incredible young leaders who have spearheaded initiatives and advocacy campaigns to create positive social/environmental impact, and would benefit from integrating generative AI to turbocharge their reach. Scholars will receive funding to participate in the One Young World Summit 2024 where they will be eligible to present their solutions to a global audience.

Following the Summit, scholars will gain permanent membership of the One Young World Ambassador Community of 17,000+ leaders in 190+ countries. Additionally, The Brandtech Group is committed to identifying mentorship and networking opportunities from our network to help accelerate the scholars’ impact and support them in integrating generative AI to enhance their solutions.

The Brandtech Group is a marketing technology group that helps brands do their marketing better, faster and cheaper using technology. It is the world’s #1 digital-only marketing group and the leading generative AI marketing group.


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  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal from 18 - 21 September.
  • Hotel accommodation in Montréal between 17 and 23 (inclusive) September.
  • Return air travel.
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Ground transportation between Summit venues in Montréal.


  • Aged 18 to 30* at the time of the One Young World Summit 2024.
  • Able to travel to Canada at the time of their application.
  • Passion for local and global issues.
  • Leading solution/initiative/campaign that has created positive social or environmental impact.
  • Clear vision for how integrating generative AI will benefit their solution.
  • Willingness to engage with fellow scholarship recipients and The Brandtech Group employees who are also attending the Summit.

* Most delegates are between the ages of 18 and 30. The One Young World team will consider candidates who are older than 30, pending demonstration of appropriate personal impact, initiative, and willingness to engage. We are not able to accept applications from those who will be aged under 18 at the time of the Summit.

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