無料で中国へ!中国科学院大学UCAS International Summer School参加者募集

概要:Call for Application丨UCAS International Summer School 2024:Global Change and Ecological Health

  I. Project Introduction

  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) is a research-oriented university with a high degree of fusion with the affiliated scientific research institutions of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and focuses on postgraduate education.  UCAS welcomes talents from all over the world. UCAS has nearly 2,000 international students from 98 countries, including Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the United States, Australia, Japan, and more.

  Climate change is one of the world's most critical challenges today, with a far-reaching impact on the planet's ecological balance and human society. To promote exchanges between Chinese and international young scholars to jointly address the effects of global change on ecosystems and actively protect our living environments, UCAS plans to host the 2024 "Global Change and Ecological Health" International Summer School in Beijing, which lasts for ten days (July 18-27, 2024).

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 The International Summer School will be organized by Sino-Danish College, UCAS. Participating units include the College of Resources and Environment, UCAS; Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS; Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS; Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS; Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS.

  UCAS will invite Chinese and foreign experts and scholars in global change and ecological health to gather at the beautiful scenic spots at the foot of the Great Wall and the shore of Yanqi Lake to exchange academic ideas in the SDC Building. To this end, we will recruit 30-45 international students interested in ecology and environment with professional backgrounds in related subjects such as ecology, geographical resources, biology, chemistry, and other majors from well-known universities worldwide. Participants not only have the opportunity to learn about successful ecological environment protection cases and interact with academicians face to face but will also visit Huairou Science City, participate in scientific research activities, investigate the humanistic environment of Beijing, and experience traditional Chinese culture. Students will receive a graduation certificate from UCAS upon successful completion of the international summer school program. Exceptional participants can also receive a UCAS international student scholarship recommendation letter from an academic advisor.

  II. Content

  Global change has occurred and will continue to affect the ecological environment on which humans depend for survival. Global change and its impact on terrestrial ecosystems have seriously affected the human living environment and sustainable social development, which has aroused great concern from governments, scientists and the public. However, human activities are also one of the leading causes of global change. When designing worldwide change and ecological health, ecological and environmental science has to consider and balance many aspects such as natural resources, social development, ecosystem stability, causes and consequences of global change, global change observation techniques and methods, and responses to global change.


概要 理化学研究所生命機能科学研究センターでは、最先端の生命科学研究に参加する5日間のサマースクールを開催します。研究室滞在を中心とする充実のプログラムです。生…

  Detailed content in the course:

  Background, characteristics and rules of global change, Human activities affect the health of terrestrial ecosystems and human health processes caused by global changes, status and consequences of global change on terrestrial ecosystem health and human society, Major ecological and environmental problems caused by global changes facing humanity, global change research content, technology and method, and its significance.

  III.Academic reports

  1. Cryosphere Change and Global Change: QIN Dahe, Academicianof Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  2. Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Development: FUBojie, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Research Center for Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  3. Ecosystemmicrobiome science: Exemplified by antimicrobial resistance: ZHU Yongguan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Research Center for Eco-Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  4. The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, the coupled evolution of Asian Monsoon-inland drought and their impacts on global climate change: FANG Xiaomin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  5. Grassland changes, drivers and ecological consequences over 40 years on Qinghai Tibetan Plateau: WANG Yanfen, Professor, College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  6. Microbes and Climate Change: WU Qinglong,Professor of the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  7. 7. A Study of Water Cycle in basin using the integrated Observation Method: SONG Xianfang, Professor of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  8. Our future world at global warming levels of Paris Agreement: ZHOU Tianjun, Professor of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  9. An Introduction to Ecological Study Based on the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network: LI Shenggong,Professor of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
無料で韓国へ!国連協会 日中韓ユースフォーラム参加者募集

概要 <第12回 日中韓ユースフォーラム概要> 締切 2024/6/7 ベネフィット 渡航費・滞在費・食費など支給で韓国で行われるユースフォーラムに参加できる 対象・条件 …

  IV. Learning Outcomes


  • Understand the definition of global change
  • Understand the characteristics and laws of global change
  • Master the background, research content and significance of global change science
  • Understand the process and mechanism of global change affecting ecosystem health
  • Understand how human activity affects global change
  • Show overview of the impact of global change on the global ecological environment
  • Understand how ecosystems adapt to global change
  • The main environmental problems facing humankind in the global change
  • Understand global change observation techniques and methods


  • Skills in presenting and explaining the relationship between global change and ecosystem health
  • Skills in applying theoretical concepts to anticipate the impact of global change on human society


  • Analyze and discuss the effects of global change on the health of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Analyze and discuss the impacts of human activities on the health of ecosystems and humans
  • Independent work in groups and writing report




This summer school is supported by CAS-ANSO Scholarship Non-Degree Program which covers one-off return travel subsidy, tuition waiver, medical insurance, local accommodation and meals.

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  1. The applicant must be non-Chinese citizen and be willing to abide by Chinese laws and regulations.
  2. The applicant should be in good physical and mental health, without any illness, which is unsuitable for entry into China.
  3. The applicant should be an excellent foreign undergraduate student in his/her senior year or above, studying in well-known universities globally, generally under 35. Danish students from SDC Danish partner universities will receive priority.
  4. The applicant should have a relevant background in environmental science, ecology, geography, resources, biology, chemistry, and other related majors. Interdisciplinary majors are also welcome to apply.
  5. Fluent in English.
  6. Applicants with particular scientific research experience and a willingness to apply for master's or doctoral degrees at UCAS will receive priority consideration.



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