無料で韓国へ!アジア財団 北東アジア若手交流プログラム(Northeast Asia Youth Exchange Program)参加者募集
2024年 北東アジア若手交流プログラム 参加者募集
アジア財団(The Asia Foundation:本部米サンフランシスコ)では現在、北東アジア若手交流プログラム(Northeast Asia Youth Exchange Program)の参加者を募集しています。
昨年に続いて開催される本プログラムの今年のテーマは「Envisioning Net-Zero Northeast Asia by 2050」です。
ご関心ある方はプログラムの詳細が記載されたCall for ApplicationおよびApplication Formをお送りいたしますので、julia.denny@asiafoundation.orgまでお連絡ください。応募〆切は7月14日です。
The Asia Foundation Northeast Asia Youth Exchange is a dynamic, action-based learning program designed for passionate individuals in Northeast Asia under age 33. The program will equip them with skills, network, and international exposure to tackle climate crisis through regional cooperation. The program reflects the Foundation’s seven-decade tradition of investing in Asia’s most promising future leaders.
We look for candidates who have demonstrated a career or academic background focused on addressing climate change and a proven commitment to working toward achieving a resilient, sustainable future in Northeast Asia. We welcome canidates from diverse backgrounds, and no professional background is ineligible if a candidate can demonstrate the intersection of their work with climate action.
Agenda: Envisioning Net-Zero Northeast Asia by 2050
According to the Paris Agreement, emissions need to reach net zero by 2050 to keep global warming within the 1.5°C limit and preserve a livable planet. Northeast Asia plays a critical role in this global mission, being responsible for over one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Despite their national commitments to achieve net- zero by 2050, the region faces significant challenges due to a combination of social, economic, and political factors. The stakes are particularly high for the next generation, who will bear the consequences of today's actions — or inaction. It is crucial to incorporate the views and voices of youth in shaping regional efforts toward achieving net-zero. The Northeast Asia Youth Exchange 2024 aims to provide a platform for young leaders to envision a net- zero Northeast Asia by 2050.
Program Structure
Selected participants will engage in a fully funded, immersive 5-week program that is comprised of:
Webinar Series
The Webinar Series will equip participants with an overall understanding of the importance of achieving net-zero for a livable climate and provides a country-level overview of net-zero transition status and efforts through a combination of speaker sessions and peer learning. The online classes will aim to build a foundational understanding of the program purpose before approaching the site visit to Korea and the group assignment.
Study Visit to Korea
All participants will gather in Korea for a 1-week exchange and field visit in August 2024. Participants will receive training on frameworks to effectively analyze the political, economic, and social landscape surrounding net-zero transition. The program will also help participants design policy interventions via offline workshops; build teamwork; engage in curated stakeholder meetings; and work on group assignments to design policy recommendations to enable an effective transition to net-zero in Northeast Asia by 2050.
* All costs for travel, including airfare and accommodations, will be covered by The Asia Foundation
Group Assignment
The key activities of Northeast Asia Youth Exchange 2024 will concentrate around the Group Assignment, where participants will be grouped into four teams to develop policy recommendations for the government of the designated countries in Northeast Asia to successfully achieve the transition to net-zero by 2050. The group assignment aims to provide participants with a valuable real-world experience to approach the pressing regional challenge against climate change via policy interventions while building strong friendships and mutual learning among participants.
Northeast Asia Youth Exchange Participant must:
Have a demonstrable record of experience and accomplishment related to achieving Net-Zero and/or climate action and a proven commitment to working toward achieving a resilient, sustainable future in Northeast Asia. No professional background is ineligible if a candidate can demonstrate the intersection of their work with climate action.
Be thoughtful, committed, respected, and inspirational leaders in their professional fields and community.
Be under 34 years of age by July 14, 2024.
Be conversant in English (TOEFL exam results are not required).
Be available and able to participate in ALL program components on the program dates specified. Be citizens of Japan
Step 1. Check Your Eligibility
Please carefully read the Eligibility and Selection criteria above
Step 2. Prepare and Submit Your Application Package
Please submit the documents below to julia.denny@ asiafoundation.org:
Application Form (in PDF Format)
English Resume or CV (in PDF Format)
One Letter of Recommendation (in PDF Format) from your Supervisor or Professor (if you are a student)
(Optional) Please upload your most recent English Test Score
* For any questions, please contact julia.denny@ asiafoundation.org