無料でノルウェーへ!オスロ大学International Summer School (ISS)募集


Join International Summer School in Oslo, and attend summer courses at Bachelor's and Master's level 24 June – 2 August 2024 at the University of Oslo. Come to Norway – Meet the World!





International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a number of scholarships and grants. Besides the exceptions (see exceptions under bullet number 2), the ISS scholarships are only available to students who apply to Master's level courses. The "stipend" option in Søknadsweb represents the ISS scholarships.


概要: Aalto Science Institute international summer research programme The Aalto Science Institute (AScI) interna […]

1. ISS scholarship (only for Master's level)

Successful candidates not only need to have top academic and professional qualifications, but also have to meet the requirements of the available scholarship programs. The ISS chooses a mixture of students sought after for every class regarding academic and professional focus, geographical distribution, gender and age balance, etc.

To be awarded a general ISS scholarship, follow these steps:

  • Apply for a Master's course in the application portal "Søknadsweb" during the application period January 2 - February 1, 2024
  • Demonstrate that you meet the academic requirements
  • Demonstrate a strong academic record
  • Demonstrate the required English level
  • Demonstrate the relevance of your academic and/or professional background to the course you apply for in your statement of purpose (see course descriptions for more information).
  • Please also remember upload a Letter of Recommendation and a Statement of Purpose in your application in Søknadsweb. 

Check below for opportunities for USA/ Canada students. These students are not eligible for the general ISS scholarships, the "stipend" option in Søknadsweb.

Application period:

January 2 - February 1, 2024

Who is not eligible for a scholarship:

  • Bachelor's course applicants
  • Norwegian language course applicants
  • Former recipients of an ISS scholarship
  • On a general basis, applicants who reside in the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) are not eligible for a scholarship; some exceptions apply. Contact iss@admin.uio.no for inquiries.
  • USA/ Canada students are not eligible for the general ISS scholarships, the "stipend" option in Søknadsweb. Check below for Scholarship opportunities for USA/ Canada students.

Who is eligible for a scholarship?

Applicants who have already achieved a Bachelor's degree, and who can demonstrate the required English level.

If this applies to you, apply as a Scholarship applicant in the application portal "Søknadsweb" between January 2 and February 1. In Søknadsweb you need to upload a Letter of Recommendation and a Statement of Purpose in addition to all other required documentation. Please prepare these documents in advance. 

What is covered by the ISS Scholarship?

Two options:

The scholarship covers at minimum the course fee. In the application portal you must indicate whether you want to the scholarship to cover ISS student accommodation or not. 

After you have selected course in the application portal Søknadsweb, please choose ONE of the following two options:

1. "I will arrange my own private accommodation": The Basic Fee Scholarship covers course participation, health insurance, and extracurricular activities. The Basic Fee Scholarship does NOT cover student accommodation, overnight excursion or travel to and from Oslo.

2. "I choose to use and pay for ISS accommodation": The ISS Student Housing Scholarship covers the course fee, plus board and simple accommodation in a shared room. One overnight excursion and travel card within Oslo are also included in this scholarship. The scholarship does not cover the travel to and from Oslo.

What is an ISS Travel Grant?

The travel grant is not covered in the ISS Scholarship. However, applicants from Africa, Oceania, Asia, Latin America, and Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine may apply for a travel grant if necessary.

The travel grant covers plane tickets to/from closest international airport to/from Oslo. The travel grant is not paid out in cash and does not cover travel to/from airport or visa fees. 

Arrival in Oslo: Saturday, June 22
Departure from Oslo: by Saturday, August 3

NOTE: The ISS Office orders all plane tickets for scholarship recipients who receive travel grants. The ISS does not reimburse recipients if they obtain and pay for their own plane tickets to/from Oslo. Dates of arrival/departure cannot be changed.

Oslo transportation card

If allocated, the ISS Office orders and provides an Oslo transportation card for the duration of the program (43 days). The transportation card will be given to recipients after arrival.

NOTE: The ISS does not reimburse recipients if they obtain and pay for their own Oslo transportation card. The ISS does not replace lost travel cards.




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